Perched on top of Mount Benacantil, at a height of 166 metres, stands one of Spain’s largest mediaeval fortresses, providing great views of Alicante’s perfect bay. It has three different enclosures from three distinct periods:
The upper enclosure, “La Torreta”, is where visitors will find the keep and the most ancient remains of the fortress, which mostly date from the 14th century.
The mid-level enclosure is home to the most important buildings, which were built in the 16th century. These include:
-The Salón Felipe II hall
-The Cuerpo de Guardia guardhouse the Patio de Armas parade ground the Baluarte de la Reina bastion.
-The lower enclosure dates back to the 18th century and is home to the Revellín del Bon Repós ravelin.